The next zine/book I am going to be making will be featuring Self Portrait Illustrations. It will highlight how an artist draws themselves in their unique style vs. how another artist would draw them using theirs.
The artists chosen will be asked to provide the following:
- A body shot photograph showing off who you are as a person; your style, fashion sense, favourite colours, etc.
- A paragraph describing you as a person, what your style is, where you live.. basically a summary of who you are and what you like. I may also create a questionarre and have everyone answer the same questions.
- A self portrait illustration that you drew, in your style.
Once I choose the 10 artists and have the information needed, each artist will get someone else’s paragraph/questionarre as well as the photograph each artist submitted. From there each artist is to create a portrait based on the information received on the fellow artist. Each artist will submit within 2 weeks of receiving the information.
The end result would be a book with each page about one artist. The page would have the paragraph/questionarre, photograph of yourself, the illustration of yourself and the illustration a fellow artist created of you.
If you want to be part of this project, you are welcome to submit via email to Please send along a description on yourself, and a sample of your art! All ten artists that are apart of the project will receive a book in the mail.
You have until June 25th to email me your portfolio and tell me a little about yourself! If your style fits, I will email you!
Just to be clear: you don’t have to provide anything but a portfolio and an email at first! If you are chosen, that’s when I’ll require more information!
Thanks in advance! Please share this with all of your friends.